HMD Global launched its flagship Nokia 8 smartphone in India back in September last year for Rs. 36,999. Now the phone has received a Rs. 8000 price cut and is available for Rs. 28,999. The Nokia 5 3GB RAM version that was launched for Rs. 13,499 has received a Rs. 1000 price cut and is available for Rs. 12,499, but some offline retailers are selling it for as low as Rs. 11,299. Continue reading “Nokia 8 and Nokia 5 3GB RAM version get a price cut in India, now available for Rs. 28999 and Rs. 12499”
Tag: Nokia 5 3GB RAM
Weekly Roundup: Flipkart Billion Capture+, Nokia 5 3GB RAM, Huawei Band 2 and more
This week Flipkart launched Billion Capture+ smartphone under new Billion brand, Nokia launched new 3GB version of Nokia 5, Alcatel launched A5 LED and A7 smartphones, Panasonic launched new Eluga I5 and Eluga A4 smartphones, and lots more in weekly roundup. Continue reading “Weekly Roundup: Flipkart Billion Capture+, Nokia 5 3GB RAM, Huawei Band 2 and more”
Nokia 5 3GB RAM version launched in India for Rs. 13499
HMD Global introduced its Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 Android smartphones in India back in June, and the Nokia 5 went on sale in the country in August, now it has launched the 3GB RAM version of the phone in India. Apart from the RAM, other specifications are similar to the original Nokia 5, including a 5.2-inch HD screen, Octa-Core Snapdragon 430 Mobile Platform, Android 7.1 (Nougat), which is upgradable to Android 8.0 (Oreo), 13-megapixel rear camera, 8-megapixel front camera and a 3000mAh battery. Continue reading “Nokia 5 3GB RAM version launched in India for Rs. 13499”