Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (P5200) has been listed on official Samsung India eStore at Rs. 36,340. It was announced back in June last year and packs a 10.1-inch (1280×800 pixels) display, powered by a 1.6 GHz dual-core processor and runs on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a SIM slot and supports 3G connectivity. Samsung launched the 7-inch and 8-inch variants last year and introduced buyback offers for these tablets recently.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 specifications
- 10.1-inch (1280×800) IPS display
- 1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2560 processor
- Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean)
- 3MP rear camera
- 1.3MP front-facing camera
- 7.95mm thick and weighs 512 g
- 1GB RAM, 16GB internal memory and expandable memory up to 64GB via microSD.
- 3G HSPA+ ,WiFi a/b/g/n (2.4/5GHz), WiFi Channel Bonding, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS + GLONASS
- 6800 mAh battery
It is not clear why Samsung is launching the tablet months after it was launched in other countries, since the company has unveiled the Tab 4 series running Android 4.4 (KitKat). The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 comes in White colors. It is currently out of stock on the eStore currently.