vivo just launched the V25 Pro, the company’s latest smartphone in the V series in India, as it had promised. The phone has a 6.56-inch FHD+ 3D curved AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 300Hz touch sampling rate, is powered by Dimensity 1300 SoC, has up to 12GB of RAM and up 8GB of extended RAM. Continue reading “vivo V25 Pro with 6.56″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 1300, 32MP AF selfie camera launched in India starting at Rs. 35999”
Tag: vivo V25 Pro
vivo V25 Pro with 120Hz 3D curved screen, Dimensity 1300 SoC, 64MP camera, OIS launching in India on August 17
Update: vivo has confirmed the launch of V25 Pro in the V25 series in India on August 17th. The launch invite highlights the phone’s color changing back. Continue reading “vivo V25 Pro with 120Hz 3D curved screen, Dimensity 1300 SoC, 64MP camera, OIS launching in India on August 17”
vivo V25 Pro with 64MP OIS rear camera, 32MP Eye AF selfie camera, 66W fast charging said to launch in India this August
- Vivo is preparing for the launch of the V25 Series in India. It is the successor to the Vivo V23 series that was launched back in January 2022 with a unique color-changing glass. A few days back, Indian cricketer Virat Kohli was spotted showing off the alleged vivo V25 Pro. This looks similar to the vivo S15 Pro which was launched in China in May.