Soon after the launch of Redmi 8A, Xiaomi’s Redmi brand has launched Redmi 8, successor of the Redmi 7, as it had promised. It has a 6.22-inch HD+ Dot Notch display with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection, is powered by Snapdragon 439 12nm Mobile Platform, compared to Snapdragon 632 in the Redmi 7, comes with up to 4GB RAM, features a 12-megapixel main camera with Sony IMX363 sensor, same as the Redmi 8A, comes with AI scene detection for 33 scenes, has a 2-megapixel depth sensor for portrait shots and an 8-megapixel camera on the front with AI selfies and portrait mode as well as AI face unlock. Continue reading “Redmi 8 with 6.2-inch display, up to 4GB RAM, dual rear cameras, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 7999”