Realme just launched the Realme 2 Pro smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.3-inch FHD+ Dewdrop Full Screen display with a notch, 90.8% screen-to-body ratio and Corning Gorilla Glass protection, is powered by Snapdragon 660 AIE with up to 8GB of RAM, runs ColorOS 5.2 based on Android 8.1 (Oreo). It has a 16-megapixel rear camera with f/1.7 aperture, AI scene recognition, and a 16-megapixel front camera with AI Beauty feature. Continue reading “Realme 2 Pro with 6.3-inch FHD+ display, Snapdragon 660, up to 8GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 13990”