OnePlus introduces On-Guard extended service coverage in North America


OnePlus has just announced the availability of On-Guard extended service coverage for their devices in North America. This is similar to the B2X plans that they introduced in India and the On-Guard services they provide in Europe.

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Dear Nokia, If US Developers Don’t Come Now, I’m Afraid They Never Will

We all know that while there are a lot of cool developer houses in Asia, Europe and Africa, for whom coding for Nokia, and Symbian more specifically, is on the high priority list, there are still tons of amazing software companies in North America who would rather play the lottery by publishing their titles on iOS and Android amongst fierce competition by hundreds of thousands of other apps, than play The Wheel of Fortune and work on Symbian where getting any fame is almost a guarantee.

So why am I making the statement that if developers don’t come now, I don’t think they ever will? Well because of three factors essentially.

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N95 NAM Black and 1900Mhz 3G Power!

Why is Nokia so interested in the American Market? This is yet another US Edition N95. But since it’s based on the N95 Classic and not the newer N95-3 it seems to have been largely ignored. It even uses the same old 950mA battery to go with it! Bummer!! The only major difference seem to be that it has a black back body and is also optimized to work with the North American Network – hence the name.

The N95 NAM’s camera has 5 mega pixels of clarity, featuring a 2.6″ display and Carl Zeiss optics. Shoot in DVD-like quality video up to 30 frames per second. Continue reading “N95 NAM Black and 1900Mhz 3G Power!”