Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, announced his upcoming visit to India to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi via X (formerly Twitter). This meeting is anticipated to unveil plans for investment and potential factory establishment in the country, as per Reuters. Continue reading “Elon Musk to visit India later this month; Tesla investment expected”
Tag: Tesla Investment India
Tesla plans to scout sites for EV plant in India: Report
Elon Musk’s Tesla is looking into potential locations in India for its proposed electric car manufacturing plant, with an investment ranging between $2 billion to $3 billion, according to a report from the Financial Times. Continue reading “Tesla plans to scout sites for EV plant in India: Report”
India gets closer to Tesla deal for EV imports and plant setup: Report
India is nearing an agreement with Tesla to allow the U.S. company to import its electric cars to the country starting next year and establish a factory within two years, as per a Bloomberg report. Continue reading “India gets closer to Tesla deal for EV imports and plant setup: Report”