OPPO just launched Reno5 Pro 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone in the Reno series in India as it had promised. The phone packs 6.5-inch Full HD+ OLED 3D Borderless Sense screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 180Hz touch sampling rate, 32MP front camera inside the punch-hole, in-display fingerprint scanner and 92.1% screen-to-body ratio, and is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ SoC. It packs quad rear cameras that includes a 64MP main camera, 8MP ultra-wide camera, 2MP macro and a 2MP mono camera. The phone runs Android 11 with ColorOS 11.1. Continue reading “OPPO Reno5 Pro 5G with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz OLED display, Dimensity 1000+, 64MP quad rear cameras launched in India for Rs. 35990”
Tag: OPPO Reno 5 Pro 5G price
OPPO Reno5 5G and Reno5 Pro 5G with FHD+ 90Hz OLED display, 64MP quad rear cameras, Android 11 announced
OPPO has announced the Reno5 5G and Reno5 Pro 5G smartphones in the Reno series in China, as it had promised. The Reno5 5G packs a 6.43-inch Full HD+ AMOLED screen with 90Hz refresh rate and 91.7% screen-to-body ratio, and is powered by Snapdragon 765G SoC, while the Reno5 Pro 5G comes with a 6.55-inch Full HD+ OLED screen with 90Hz refresh rate and 92.1% screen-to-body ratio, and is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ SoC. Both the phones come with 64MP quad rear cameras and a 32MP punch-hole front camera. Continue reading “OPPO Reno5 5G and Reno5 Pro 5G with FHD+ 90Hz OLED display, 64MP quad rear cameras, Android 11 announced”