Earlier today OnePlus announced that it will launch its flagship OnePlus 5 smartphone in India on June 22nd at 2PM, two days after the global online unveiling on June 20th. Now Amazon India has announced that it will be exclusively available with them and will be available for purchase on the launch day itself from 4 30PM on Amazon.in. Continue reading “OnePlus 5 will go on sale in India exclusively on Amazon on June 22, will come with 8GB RAM”
Tag: OnePlus 5 India
OnePlus 5 India launch event scheduled for June 22
Yesterday OnePlus announced an online event on June 20 to unveil its flagship OnePlus 5 smartphone. As expected the company has scheduled a separate launch event in India on June 22nd. It is also giving away 5 OnePlus 5 phones for those setting up SMS alert (from today to June 20th) to watch the OnePlus 5 launch live.
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