HTC Desire X is now available in India from online retailer Snapdeal. HTC announced the Desire X in August and it comes with a 4.0-inch (800 X 480 pixels) capacitive touch screen display and is powered by 1 GHz Dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with HTC Sense 4.0 UI and has a 5MP auto focus camera at the back with LED Flash. It also has built-in Beats Audio support.
It has 768 MB of RAM, 4GB of internal memory and expandable memory with microSD card slot. The connectivity features include, 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, DLNA, Bluetooth 4.0 with A2Dp and aptX audio and aGPS. It comes with a 1650 mAh battery.
The HTC Desire X comes in Blue and White colors and is available from Snapdeal for Rs. 19,799. It is also listed on Flipkart for the same price, but no details about the availability yet.
[Update: The HTC Desire X is now available from Flipkart for Rs. 19,799. It is expected to ship in 6 to 8 business days.]