Vivo has launched its latest smartphone in the ‘Y Series’ in India dubbed the Vivo Y55L. The handset is priced at Rs. 11,980 for the offline market and will be made across all retail outlets in the country starting October 15th. Continue reading “Vivo Y55L Photo Gallery”
Tag: Vivo Y55L price
Vivo Y55L Hands On Impressions: An Offline Retail Champion?
Vivo today launched its new Y series smartphone in India dubbed the Vivo Y55L. It is an upgraded version of Y51L, that was launched earlier this year in January. The 4G VoLTE Y55L smartphone is priced Rs. 1,000 lesser than the Y51L, which is Rs. 11,980. We went hands on with the device, and here are our first impressions of it. Continue reading “Vivo Y55L Hands On Impressions: An Offline Retail Champion?”
Vivo Y55L with 5.2-inch display, Snapdragon 430, 4G VoLTE launched in India for Rs. 11980
Vivo has launched Y55L, the company’s latest smartphone in the ‘Y Series’ in India. It also announced Kent Cheng as the new CEO for its India Operations. He joined Vivo early this year. “He has been instrumental in the brand’s overall journey and has been contributing to making it a world class enterprise,” said the company. Continue reading “Vivo Y55L with 5.2-inch display, Snapdragon 430, 4G VoLTE launched in India for Rs. 11980”