Vivo launched its V15 Pro smartphone in India last month for Rs. 28990. It has triple rear cameras that includes a 48-megapixel 1/2.25″ main sensor (12MP Effective Pixel) with f/1.8 aperture, which should be ISOCELL Bright GM1 sensor, 5-megapixel depth sensor with f/2.4 aperture, 8-megapixel AI 120-degree Super wide angle camera with f/2.2 aperture. Similar to most of the phones with 48MP sensor, this uses ‘four-in-one pixel’ technology to combine four adjacent pixels into a single 1.6μm large pixel. It has a 32-megapixel pop-up front camera with Samsung ISOCELL GD1 sensor with f/2.0 aperture.
Tag: Vivo V15 Pro
Vivo V15 Pro with 6.39-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 675, 32MP pop-up front camera launched in India for Rs. 28990
Vivo just launched V15 Pro, the company’s latest smartphone in the V series in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display without a notch with 2.2mm top and 1.75mm side bezels offering 91.64% screen-to-body ratio, features 32-megapixel pop-up front camera and the company says that the proximity and ambient light sensors are hidden under the display. Vivo says that the pop-up camera has 0.46 second elevating speed and the mechanism has been tested over 3lakh times. It is powered by Snapdragon 675 AIE with 6GB of RAM, Dual Turbo gaming mode, eSports mode for online gaming and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with Funtouch OS 9.
Vivo V15 Pro with 32MP pop-up front camera, AI triple rear cameras, in-display fingerprint scanner teased in video [Update: More images on Amazon]
Update – February 8: has started teasing the phone with more images and has also enabled ‘notify me’ option.
Vivo V15 Pro with 32MP pop-up selfie camera and V15 promo images revealed ahead of India launch on February 20
Earlier this week Vivo teased the launch of a mid-range smartphone with a pop-up selfie camera in India on February 20th. Now the promo images of the V15 Pro with 32-megapixel pop-up selfie camera and triple rear cameras with dual-LED flash have surfaced. As expected, the phone will come with an in-display fingerprint sensor and a FullView display with minimal bezels
Vivo to launch pop-up camera phone in India on February 20, V15 Pro expected
Vivo India today sent out invites for the launch of a new smartphone with a pop-up camera on February 20th. This could be the rumored V15 Pro, successor of the V11 Pro that was launched in India back in September last year.
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