After a brilliant close-call battle between the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the LG Optimus G, with the Optimus G ending up on top, we now turn to a different kind of a flagship battle. This involves a fight of innovation and fierce market disruption from two long time industry veterans. Yes, Samsung and Nokia have been in this game far too long to be considered irrelevant. While Samsung is at the top of its game right now, Nokia have been more or less lost it and even came out of the top 5 Smartphone manufacturers list in terms of shipments, but they are still fighting, and to show the world that they have still got a lot left in them, Nokia released the last Symbian flagship device this year, and it was a disruption. At the same time, Samsung continued its dominance with its own innovation flagship, a sequel to the one that stormed the world in its first version, the Galaxy Note. Yes, it is the innovation factor of these two companies at stake today, and the ones battling it out are the Samsung Galaxy Note II vs the Nokia 808 PureView.
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