vivo just launched its flagship X90 and X90 Pro smartphones in India, as it had promised. The phones feature a 6.78-inch 120Hz FHD+ AMOLED screen with 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming and are powered by Dimensity 9200 SoC with up to 12GB of RAM. Continue reading “vivo X90 and X90 Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz OLED display, Dimensity 9200, up to 12GB RAM launched in India starting at Rs. 59999”
Tag: vivo X90 Pro+
vivo X90 series launching in India on April 26
Update – April 17: vivo has confirmed the launch of X90 series in India on April 26th. The phones will be exclusively sold on Flipkart online, in addition to and offline stores. Continue reading “vivo X90 series launching in India on April 26”
vivo X90 Pro+ with 6.78″ QHD+ E6 AMOLED 120Hz LTPO display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 1″ IMX989 sensor, X90 and X90 Pro announced
vivo today introduced the X90, X90 Pro and X90 Pro+ smartphones in the new X90 series in China, as it had promised. The X90 and X90 Pro pack a 6.78-inch 1.5K BOE 120Hz AMOLED screen, 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming, and the Pro+ get a Samsung’s 2K+ E6 120Hz AMOLED screen with 1,440Hz high-frequency PWM dimming. Continue reading “vivo X90 Pro+ with 6.78″ QHD+ E6 AMOLED 120Hz LTPO display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 1″ IMX989 sensor, X90 and X90 Pro announced”
vivo X90 and X90 Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9200 gets certified
vivo has already confirmed the announcement vivo X90 series in China on November 22nd. The X90 series will have X90, X90 Pro and X90 Pro + phones. Earlier rumours already revealed Dimensity 9200 for X90 and X90 Pro, and the design was teased by the company. Continue reading “vivo X90 and X90 Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9200 gets certified”
vivo X90 series and TWS 3 to be announced on November 22
After teasers and rumours, vivo has confirmed the launch of vivo X90 series in China on November 22nd. The X90 series will have X90, X90 Pro and X90 Pro + phones. The X90 and X90 are said to be powered by Dimensity 9200 and the X90 Pro+ should be powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen2 SoC. Continue reading “vivo X90 series and TWS 3 to be announced on November 22”
vivo X90 Pro+ live image surfaces ahead of launch
After rumours, the first live image of the upcoming vivo X90 Pro+ has surfaced. This shows the phone’s leather back, Xtreme imagination and ZEISS branding on a metal strip. It shows quad rear cameras, including a periscope telephoto camera. Leaker Ice Universe has posted a closeup image of the phone that you can see above. Continue reading “vivo X90 Pro+ live image surfaces ahead of launch”