Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 10 along with Redmi Note 10 Pro, and Redmi Note 10 Pro Max smartphones in India back in March 2021. All the Redmi Note 10 series smartphones came pre-loaded with Android 11 based MIUI 12. Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI 13, based on Android 12, for the Redmi Note 10 in India and other regions.
Tag: Redmi Note 10 4G
Redmi smartphone with 6.53-inch FHD+ display, 48MP triple rear cameras, 6000mAh battery gets certified
A new Redmi smartphone with model number M2010J19SC has been certified by TENAA in China. This is said to be Redmi Note 9 4G, an entry-level phone, however some rumours say that this will launch as Redmi Note 10 4G. TENAA listing reveals a 6.53-inch screen, 6000mAh battery and the dimensions of the phone. 3C certification revealed 22.5W fast charging support for the phone. Continue reading “Redmi smartphone with 6.53-inch FHD+ display, 48MP triple rear cameras, 6000mAh battery gets certified”