After the launch of Redmi 10 Prime last year, Redmi has launched the Redmi 10, the company’s latest budget smartphone in India, as it had announced. It has a 6.71-inch HD+ screen, 5MP selfie camera inside the notch, is powered by Snapdragon 680 SoC, up to 6GB of RAM with additional 2GB RAM booster option, and packs a 50MP main camera along with a 2MP depth sensor. Continue reading “Redmi 10 with 6.71″ HD+ display, Snapdragon 680, up to 6GB RAM, 6000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 10999”
Tag: Redmi 10 price
Redmi 10 with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz AdaptiveSync display, Helio G88, 50MP quad rear cameras, 5000mAh battery announced
After rumours, Xiaomi’s Redmi brand has officially introduced the Redmi 10, the company’s latest smartphone in the budget Redmi series. It has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with AdaptiveSync 90Hz (45/60/90Hz) refresh rate, is the first phone to be powered by MediaTek Helio G88 SoC. The phone has a 50MP rear camera, a first of its kind in its category, accompanied by 8MP ultra-wide camera, 2MP macro camera, and a 2MP depth sensor. Continue reading “Redmi 10 with 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz AdaptiveSync display, Helio G88, 50MP quad rear cameras, 5000mAh battery announced”