HTC Radar Review

The HTC Radar marks the beginning of the next generation Windows Phone 7 devices. The fledgling OS had previously failed to grab much of market share owing to its lack of several basic features including multitasking , copy paste but with Mango onboard , WP7 stands a definite chance to make a dent in the market.

The Radar is one of the first few devices to natively run Windows Phone 7.5 ie Mango on it. Lets take a deeper look at it  in the FoneArena HTC Radar Review. Continue reading “HTC Radar Review”

Nokia Introduces Radar Technology

Nokia have made an announcement that they will be adding radars to their mobile phones. It will enable you to tell the distance and speed of moving objects such as  cars etc using your mobile phone.

Sounds cool already right? But the most important thing is that you will be able to control the phone using hand movements! Continue reading “Nokia Introduces Radar Technology”