LG launched the W10, W30 and W30 Pro in the new ‘W series’ at an event in India back in June. Both the W10 and W30 went on sale in July. Now the W30 Pro is available from Amazon. It has a 6.2-inch HD+ FullVision screen with a notch, is powered by Snapdragon 632 with 4GB of RAM, runs Android 9.0 (Pie), features triple rear cameras with three different lenses: Low light camera, Depth and Wide angle camera, sport various modes such as normal, night mode, portrait, slow motion and wide angle. Continue reading “LG W30 Pro with 6.2-inch FullVision display, triple rear cameras, StereoPulse Sound goes on sale in India for Rs. 12490”
Tag: LG W30 Pro
LG W10 with 6.19-inch display, dual rear cameras, W30 and W30 Pro with triple rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 8999
LG just launched W10 and W30 smartphones and introduced W30 Pro in the new ‘W series’ at an event in India, as it had promised. All these have HD+ screens with a notch, run Android 9.0 (Pie), feature rear-mounted fingerprint scanner and pack a 4000mAh battery. The LG W10 and W30 are powered by MediaTek Helio P22 SoC with 3GB of RAM, while the W30 Pro is powered by Snapdragon 632 with 4GB of RAM. Continue reading “LG W10 with 6.19-inch display, dual rear cameras, W30 and W30 Pro with triple rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 8999”