HUAWEI just announced Nova 5T at an event in Malaysia, as it had promised. It packs a 6.26-inch Full HD+ LCD curved glass screen with a 32-megapixel in-screen camera, is powered by Kirin 980 7nm SoC with Dual NPU, runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with EMUI 9.1, GPU Turbo 3.0, and features Leica quad-lens cameras with 48-megapixel sensor, a 16-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, 2-megapixel sensor for 4cm macro and a 2-megapixel for portrait shots.
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HUAWEI Nova 5T with quad rear cameras teased ahead of announcement on August 27
HUAWEI today showcased the Nova 5T smartphone at the Fashion Showcase during KL Fashion Week in Malaysia earlier today, as it had promised. This shows a glass back, quad rear cameras with a 48-megapixel main camera, so it should come with a 16-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, 2-megapixel sensor for 4cm macro and a 2-megapixel for portrait shots, similar to the Nova 5 Pro that was introduced in China back in June.
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