BlackBerry Playbook has been sold out in the retail outlets in India within days after the price drop, according to a report from Times of India. RIM announced a temporary price cut on the BlackBerry Playbook last week that starts from Rs.13,490 in India. Continue reading “BlackBerry PlayBook sold out in India after price drop, offer gets extended by a week”
Tag: BlackBerry PlayBook India
Buy BlackBerry PlayBook and get BlackBerry Curve 8520 free in India
Research In Motion (RIM) has announced their new festive offer. Now you get the BlackBerry Curve 8520 free on purchase of BlackBerry PlayBook in India. The BlackBerry Curve 8520 costs around Rs. 10,000. The BlackBerry Playbook was launched in India this June and it comes in 16 GB, 32GB and 64GB variants. Continue reading “Buy BlackBerry PlayBook and get BlackBerry Curve 8520 free in India”
BlackBerry PlayBook up for pre-order in India, available from 23rd June
RIM has announced in the BlackBerry India site, that the pre-registration for the WI-Fi version of the BlackBerry PlayBook starts today and it would be available from 23rd June across India. They have also announced exclusive offer for those who pre-registers the PlayBook. Continue reading “BlackBerry PlayBook up for pre-order in India, available from 23rd June”