Xiaomi has announced Mi Reader Pro, the company’s latest eReader and the successor of Mi Reader that was introduced last year. It has a large 7.8-inch (1872 x 1404 pixels) flat e-Ink screen with 330PPI pixel density. There is 24-level adjustable front-lit LED adjustable reading light that lets you customize the color tone from cool to warm to easily transition from daytime to a comfortable nighttime reading experience. It supports voice search and automatically locates keywords, making typing faster, searching and reading easier.
It has an anti-glare finish, so the overall reading experience is similar to reading an eBook. The eReader weighs 251 grams for easy one-handed grip and has a thickness of just 7mm. Powered by a quad-core processor with dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0, it runs Android 8.1 (Oreo), packs 2GB RAM and 32GB of storage that can store thousands of e-books. The eRader has a built-in hardware EPDC controller for smooth page turning operation and lower power consumption.
This supports Baidu cloud, WeChat Reading and multi-view cloud one-click login and download. It supports.txt, .epub, .pdf and Office documents. It packs a 3200mAh battery with Type-C charging and offers up to 70 days standby.
The Mi Reader Pro comes in Black colour, is priced at 1099 yuan (US$ 167 / Rs. 12,340 approx.) and is available through Mi Crowdfunding platform in China.