Logitech India has launched the X50, a portable Bluetooth speaker in India. It is compact and weighs just 142 grams, making it easy to carry. It has a 750mAh rechargeable battery that can be charged through micro-USB and promises up to 5 hours of continuous playback on a single charge. Apart from Bluetooth with A2DP, it also has a 3.5mm auxiliary input.
There are two buttons for volume controls and a power button that is also used for Bluetooth pairing. It doesn’t have a microphone for calls that was present in the Logitech X100 that was launched last year.
The Logitech Z50 comes in a range of colors – gray, yellow, orange or blue and is priced at Rs. 2,495. It will be available across India starting from this July.
Commenting on the launch, Ashok Jangra, Cluster Category Manager, India & South West Asia, Logitech, said:
People want big sound in a convenient mobile design, without a big price tag. The Logitech X50 Mobile Wireless Speaker gives you exactly that. Deceptively loud for its size – and price – this speaker is highly portable and it makes a big scene wherever you go. Paired with its bright colors, you’ll see it’s a whole lot of fun.