Nine Disney Games are free on Windows Phone Store till June 17

Microsoft Disney Windows Phone Summer Sale

Microsoft has partnered with Disney once again to offer popular Disney games for free free on the Windows Phone platform for a limited time in the Summer Sale. Some of these include Where’s My Perry?, Where’s My Water?, Lost Light and more. These games usually cost between $0.99 and $2.99 and the total worth is more than $17.  Microsoft offered 7 Disney games for free last year.

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Gravity Guy, Monster Island and more Windows Phone games free for limited time

Free limited time Windows Phone games

Four Xbox games including Gravity Guy, Monster Island, iStunt 2 and Fragger from Miniclip are now free in the Windows Phone Store for a limited period. All these games usually costs $2.99 / Rs. 160 each. All these games work on Windows Phone 7.5 and above. Temple Run, Gravity Guy 2, Amazing Alex and more games arrived for Windows Phone 8 devices recently. Continue reading “Gravity Guy, Monster Island and more Windows Phone games free for limited time”