Sony has launched the Xperia ZL along with the Xperia Z in India. It was announced at the CES 2013 earlier this year.The Xperia ZL is slightly thicker than the Xperia Z at 9.8 mm, weighs 151 grams. Other features are similar to the Xperia Z including a 5-inch Full HD (1920×1080 pixels) Reality display with mobile Bravia Engine 2 at 443 ppi, 1.5 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon APQ8064 processor with Adreno 320 GPU and Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It has a glowing light LED indicator below the display and has PlayStation Mobile support. Continue reading “Sony Xperia ZL launched in India”
Tag: Sony Xperia ZL India
Sony Xperia Z and ZL coming soon to India
The Sony Xperia Z and Xperia ZL were introduced at the Consumer electronics show 2013 at Las Vegas recently. With both of them sporting a 5 inch 1080p screen and a powerful Qualcomm APQ8064 processor, they generated quite a lot of buzz at the trade show. It was announced that the global roll out will be started soon, and the above image is the first clue that both the Xperia Z and ZL are landing in the Indian markets soon. As you can see above, straight from the horse’s mouth, the Sony Xperia Z and Xperia ZL are supposedly “coming soon” to India.
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