Mozilla Firefox 4 Stable for Android and Maemo now available

Mozilla launched Release Candidate version of Firefox 4 for Android and Maemo devices last week. Now the stable version is available to download that comes with lots of changes and is much faster. Continue reading “Mozilla Firefox 4 Stable for Android and Maemo now available”

Fennec Pre-Alpha Version Now Available For Android

The pre-alpha version of Fennac was recently made available for Android devices. Currently it works only on Nexus One and Motorola Droid. Since this is the pre-alpha version, it may have lots of bugs, but it works almost perfectly on these devices.

The pre-alpha version of Fennac was recently made available for Android devices. Currently it works only on Nexus One and Motorola Droid. Since this is the pre-alpha version, it may have lots of bugs, but it works almost perfectly on these devices. This build requires Android 2.0 or above and an OpenGL ES 2.0 capable device.

Continue reading “Fennec Pre-Alpha Version Now Available For Android”

iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!


Joe Hewitt, the brains behind the Facebook application for the Apple iPhone has quit further development of the application.

“Time for me to try something new. I’ve handed the Facebook iPhone app off to another engineer, and I’m onto a new project. My decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple’s policies.” – Joe Hewitt Continue reading “iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!”