Samsung has officially launched the Galaxy Tab 620, their new Android Honeycomb tablet in India. It appeared on online retail sites last week. It has 7-inch WSVGA(1024X600) PLS LCD display and is powered by 1.2 GHz Dual Core Processor. It runs on Android 3.2 (Honeycomb) and is 9.96mm thin, and weighs 345g. It has 3 MP Auto focus camera with LED Flash with 720p HD video recording @ 30 fps and a 2 MP front video calling camera, 1GB RAM, 16 GB Internal memory that is expandable up to 64GB with MicroSD.
It has 3G with HSPA+ support that offers data speeds of 21Mbps. The Wi-Fi Channel Bonding lets you share data with others over Wi-Fi faster. Other connectivity features include, 3G HSPA+, Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n and it comes with a 4,000 mAh Li-on battery.
The GalaxyTab 620 is priced at an MRP of Rs. 30,250 but you could get the tablet for Rs. 26,499 for online retailers like Flipkart and cheaper at Rs. 25,900 from Letsbuy.