Bose, renowned maker of audio electronics, has announced the launch of three new products in India – Bose QC Earbuds, Sport Earbuds, and three models of their Frames. The QC earbuds and Sport Earbuds come in two and three colours respectively and they feature Bose’s StayHear Max Tips. The Bose Frames come in three designs – Tempo Sport, Soprano and Tenor.
The QC earbuds are noise cancelling earbuds that use a proprietary electronic chip loaded with an exclusive new algorithm and takes inputs from its multiple microphones to provide a great noise cancellation experience. The QC Earbuds offer a listening time of 6 hours on a single charge and a total of 18 hours with the included charging case.
The Bose Sports Earbuds feature their StayHear Max tips and IPX4 certification, making them perfect for workouts. It has volume-optimized EQ for clear, powerful performance and proprietary port design that houses a high-efficiency driver inside. The QC Earbuds offer a listening time of 5 hours on a single charge and a total of 10 hours with the included charging case.
Coming the Bose Frames sunglasses, there are three models – the sporty Frames Tempo and the casual focused Frames Tenor and Soprano sunglasses. The Frames Tempo Sport are made out of TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) for the temple tips and it features 22 mm full-range driver in each temple with a rated battery life of 8 hours.
The Frames Tenor and Soprano feature a smaller square design and subtle cat eye design respectively. Inside them are two 16 mm speakers with better bass response, and they have an extended battery life of 5.5 hours.
The QC Earbuds will be priced at Rs. 26,990 and the Sport Earbuds will be priced at Rs. 17,990. The Frames Tempo, Frames Tenor, and Frames Soprano sunglasses will be priced at Rs. 21,900 each, while the interchangeable lens for the Tempo Sport will be sold for Rs. 2990 and the interchangeable lens for the Tenor & Sopran will be start at Rs. 1990. These will be available from starting from October 13th.