Recent feature additions by WhatsApp have been prolific. The messaging service has added features in recent months, including message reactions, the ability to share files up to 2GB, and support for groups with up to 512 members, including new Communities. Continue reading “WhatsApp rolls out use of any emoji as a reaction, reportedly working on voice notes for status updates”
Tag: WhatsApp Message Reactions new update
WhatsApp is upgrading message reactions, working on video call avatars and blur media tool
WhatsApp rolled out emoji reactions, shared files up to 2GB in size, and increased the group chat size limit to 512 participants to all users worldwide in both stable and beta builds months ago. Furthermore, WABeta reported a few months ago that a new version of message reactions was being developed on the WhatsApp beta for the Android and iOS versions of the app. Continue reading “WhatsApp is upgrading message reactions, working on video call avatars and blur media tool”