Facebook to support podcast streaming on its platform starting from June 22nd

Over the last few years, there has been an explosion in the popularity of audio-based content on the internet, whether it be audio-based chatrooms or podcasts. Now, Facebook has been revealed to be launching their own podcast streaming support on the platform from next week on June 22nd.

The news of Facebook supporting podcasts is based on an email sent to podcast page owners from Facebook. According to the email, hosts can link their podcast show’s RSS feed up to Facebook, and Facebook will automatically create a News Feed post when a new podcast episode becomes available. This post will be shared directly to followers of your podcast’s page too.

Another feature that Facebook is looking to introduce with podcasts is clips. Once enabled, listeners of a podcast will be able to create short audio clips that are less than a minute long and share them. This will function similarly to how clips work for Twitch streams and should help increase visibility and engagement.

Facebook will eventually introduce a dedicated tab in Pages for Podcasts, which will be its home soon. In the email, they say, “Facebook will be the place where people can enjoy, discuss, and share the podcasts they love with each other,”.
