Telegram has updated its app with bunch of new features. The update that bumps the app to version 4.4 brings new media player, live locations and support for more languages.
Up first, you can now broadcast your current location to any chat in real time. The location can be shared with another user or group for a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours. To use this feature, select ‘Location’ from the attachment menu and choose ‘Share My Location for…’. A bar at top of the screen you will show who you are sharing your location with.
Next, Telegram is getting a revamped in-app audio player to better support the playback of MP3s and other music files. After downloading an audio file, tap the play button to start listening. To view the cover image and the rest of the chat’s playlist, tap on the title of the playing track in the top bar.
Finally, Telegram also announced that is launching a new ‘translation platform’ for Telegram apps. The update adds support for French, Indonesian, Malay, Russian and Ukrainian languages. The app now supports a total of 13 languages and will add more in near future.