WhatsApp beta gets support for Android Wear

With wearable tech getting popular each day, more and more application developers are making sure they don’t miss out on the action. This, they’re doing by adding support for Android Wear, so apps are more usable on wearables such as smartwatches.

LG G Watch-10

WhatsApp just got an update that will allow users of Android Wear devices to use the app on their smartwatch. Although it’s just in beta right now, the app is still usable right from your smartwatch. You’re not just limited to viewing notifications and messages on your wearable, but you can also respond to texts without having to dig your pocket for the phone.

“Stacked Notifications” make sure you get to choose what message you want to respond to, and what message you wish to dismiss.

Right now, the app (with the Android Wear update) isn’t available on the Play Store. However, those who wish to try it out can download the .apk from the official WhatsApp website to sideload on their smartwatch.

Author: Yash Garg

A full time engineering student, Yash is a passionate technology enthusiast with a habit of giving free advice. Besides tech, various topics such as the game of cricket, food, music, and most importantly, motorbikes get him started without notice. You can connect with Yash via or follow him on .