Is the Apple Tablet a King Size iPhone ?

The Apple Tablet

Let’s face it. The apple tablet has been one of the biggest rumours of 2009. It’s size is said to be anything from 7 inches to 12 inches, & rumoured names being anything from iSlate to iGuide. Since the last two months or so, the media was persistent abuzz with the news that it would probably be releasing in January 2010

Pic Credit : Gizmodo

Now Apple has confirmed that they will be holding a Press Conference on January 26th & the masses are certain that is when the Apple tablet will be released. The details surrounding the event are very closely guarded, as always. The ex-president of Google China claims that he has some information- ‘from a friend’-

According to him, the Aple tablet just looks like a bigger iPhone, with a 10.1 inch multi-touch screen (multi-touch being Apple’s trademark functionality used in the iPhone, iPod touch, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Magic Mouse & Magic Mouse Pro) & an awesome user interface. He further claims that it combines the functions of a Net Book & Kindle, has 3D technology, a virtual keyboard, video-conferencing, e-reader & netbook features. He said that the tablet would sell at less than one thousand dollars & that Apple was planning to produce 10 million tablets this first year.

The price of the iTablet is expected to be under 1000 USD .

There have also been a number of rumours that Apple has asked a number of iPhone application developers to revise their programs for a larger screen device by sometimes next month.

So from all the rumour passing around, the Apple tablet seems like a larger iPhone with a lot of added features.

But to know the exact specifications & features of this well-hyped device for sure, we’ll just have to wait till the 26th of January .

What do you expect to see in the Apple Tablet ?  Let us know

This post was written by Magali Vaz – Student, Blogger, Intellectual, Wannabe Journalist & Amateur Photographer.Total Geek interested in all the latest gadgets.

Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks