Google certified Cyanogen Mod Oppo N1 shipping on Christmas Eve


Oppo N1 is the first Cyanogen Mod phone to have been approved by Google’s strict CTS, for compliance to Android compatibility and of course, inclusion of Google Play on this limited edition device. The Oppo N1 Cyanogen Mod Edition was announced as “coming in December” but never really got solid dates owing to the obvious roadblocks, but thanks to this recent development, Oppo has revealed that the device is shipping on Christmas Eve i.e December 24th of this year. This marks the first time in history that a popular third party AOSP ROM based phone is Google certified and is shown the green light. Cyanogen Mod’s Koushik Dutta happened to be relieved about the announcement, as his G+ post read

Google just approved our first CyanogenMod  phone

Man, the last 24 hours has been a total rollercoaster of emotions, and it isn’t letting up it seems.

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