Amazon Prime Video UWP app for Windows 10 with support for offline viewing released

For many years, Netflix subscribers had the option of using a native UWP (Universal Windows Platform) Windows 10 app, where viewers could download content for offline viewing. Now, Amazon has finally released its Prime Video UWP app for Windows 10, bringing a native client for those who do not wish to watch content on their browsers.

The UWP app looks pretty like a direct port of the mobile app that is offered on both iOS and Android. A side bar shows the various categories of content that users can navigate to and in the bottom left, there is an option to switch accounts along with a button to access the Settings.

The Settings itself are quite simple, with the option to select the Download quality, toggle download using mobile data and shortcuts to the user’s account settings. At the moment, the app appears to only support streaming quality up to 1080p.

The most important feature that comes with this app is the ability to download content for offline viewing. Previously on Windows, users could only access Prime Video through their browser, which meant they could not save the videos locally. Now, with the app, offline viewing is possible. This is perfect for those who wish to watch Prime Video content on long flights on their laptops or those who have poor quality internet connections.

The Amazon Prime Video UWP app for Windows 10 is available for download on the Microsoft Store.
