When I was given these two Boult smartwatches to be reviewed, I was quite puzzled that these supposedly ‘smart’ watches cost less than three thousand rupees and include hardware features that were once deemed costly. So, throughout my review period, I kept reminding myself of their price whenever I felt that things could have been better/different. So, with that in mind, let’s start? Continue reading “Boult Crown R and Crown R Pro Review”
Author: Stephen A
Stephen is enthusiastic about all things tech. He is interested in learning about anything that uses technology to solve a problem. Besides that, he also appreciates good hardware and/or software design in a product.
Raspberry Pi 5 has faster CPU and GPU, up to 8GB RAM

Raspberry Foundation, the organization behind the highly popular single board computers, the Raspberry Pi series, has announced the latest update to the model, the Raspberry Pi 5. This is a direct sequel to the Raspberry Pi 4, which was launched back in June 2019. Continue reading “Raspberry Pi 5 has faster CPU and GPU, up to 8GB RAM”