India could lead 6G standardization and dominate global tech exports: DST Secretary

At the 7th edition of Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2023, Professor Abhay Karandikar, Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), highlighted India’s advancements in 5G technology. With a dedicated team of researchers from academia, industry, and startups, India is well-positioned to excel in mobile network technologies.

India’s Role in Shaping 6G Standardization

Professor Karandikar also discussed the potential to influence 6G standardization, suggesting that 6G could be a game-changer, building on the paradigm shift from 2G to 5G. He highlighted India’s unique position to shape 6G research and standardization.

India’s Growing Data Contribution

India’s mobile communication has significantly increased global data volume, with projections suggesting that India’s share of global data could reach one-third or more by 2030.

This growth presents various use cases, from high to low data rates, stringent latency requirements to latency-tolerant applications, and diverse access technologies and devices.

Testing Ground for Mobile Communication

India’s diversity in communication scenarios, including cellular, Wi-Fi, drones, satellites, terrestrial networks, sensors, and IoT, serves as a valuable testing ground for mobile communications. Professor Karandikar noted that the Department of Science and Technology supports research challenges through initiatives like the National Mission for Cyber Physical Systems (NMICPS).

Beyond primary telephone connectivity, mobile technology can extend to sectors such as agriculture, health, transportation, and logistics. With the ANRF (presumably a reference to a program or facility) becoming operational, new funding mechanisms will support advanced areas of research and development.

Collaboration and Discussion at IMC

Dignitaries from the government, academia, and the industry, including Shri Apurva Chandra, Shri V. Raghunandan, Shri R K Upadhyay, and Shri R R Mittar, attended IMC’s workshops and sessions.

They engaged in discussions about mobile network technologies, standardization, future prospects, and related issues during the three-day IMC event in New Delhi.

Speaking at the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC), Secretary Department of Science and Technology (DST) Professor Abhay Karandikar, said:

We have a unique opportunity to guide 6G standardization in novel ways, while also potentially becoming global exporters of these technologies in the coming years.


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