Nokia Sells 3 Million 5800 XpressMusic Phones!

According to an earlier report, many sites published that Nokia had sold 13 million 5800 XpressMusic devices till date. But that news was incorrect and it was actually the Nokia 5310 that had sold 13 million units worldwide.

Anyway here’s the correct news.

Nokia has sold more than 3 million 5800 XpressMusic phones worldwide and that is a good number since Nokia had only a target of 1 million devices. The 5800 is selling more than the iPhone in every place except the USA. That’s a market where even the entire range of Nokia devices have failed to capture much attention.

The 5800 XpressMusic should be the main profit maker for Nokia in the year 2009. With the news that many more touchscreen phones are coming up, Nokia seems to be on the proper path as this leaves the consumers more options to chose from.

But to see whether it will beat the iPhone in terms of sales, we will have to wait and see for ourselves.

we have a 5800 vs iphone 3g comparision up

Check our 5800 Blue Vs Red pics
or our 5800 Tube unboxing

Sandeep Sarma: Sandeep Sarma is a blogger and a freelance photographer. Apart from gadgets and phones, he also has a passion for movies and cars. He currently uses the S7 Edge as his main phone. Catch him on twitter at @sandeep9sarma
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