Android 15 could bring improved video stability for third-party apps

Android 15 could bring updates to video stabilization for third-party camera apps. This update might introduce support for a new extension named Eyes Free videography, according to a report by Android Authority.

All camera apps on Android, whether pre-installed by the manufacturer or third-party downloads, rely on the Camera2 API. This API allows access to various camera features.

The current Camera2 Extensions API supports five types of extensions:

1. Auto: Adjusts settings based on the scene.
2. Bokeh: Blurs the background to emphasize the subject.
3. Face retouch: Enhances facial features.
4. HDR: Broadens the exposure range for richer photos.
5. Night: Improves photo quality in low-light conditions.

These extensions vary across devices and brands. Some, like Samsung, implement all extensions, while others, like Google’s Pixel, might only support a few.

However, these extensions are typically available only for photo capture and previews, not for video recording.

Introducing the Eyes Free Videography Extension

With Android 15, a new extension called Eyes Free videography is anticipated.

Unlike the existing ones, this extension could be used during video capture. It aims to stabilize and focus on specific areas or objects in the video, as described in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

Enabling Third-Party Access

Third-party developers face challenges in creating camera apps with advanced features that match stock apps.

The Camera2 extensions API was introduced to level this playing field. Android 15 extends this API to include the new Eyes Free videography extension.

The report notes that even if manufacturers don’t implement this extension, Android 15 may provide a software solution accessible through a toggle in settings.

This ensures that third-party apps can still access the feature, although it may not perform as well as the manufacturer’s implementation on specific devices.

With Android 15’s official release still months away, more details may emerge as development progresses, following the recent Beta update.


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