FoneArena Valentines Day Contest

UPDATE : Contest is now closed . We will be announcing the winners shortly

Guyz and Gals ! Valentines Day is on Saturday

FoneArena is going to give away 2 free mobile accessories to the FoneArena Valentine Dude and the FoneArena Valentine Babe

How do you participate ?

Reply to this post in the comments section

Write your Proposal (imagine you’re proposing to your Valentine) in under 160 Characters ! (jus like a sms)

The best proposal by a Guy will win a free mobile accessory and the title of FoneArena Valentine Dude 2009

The best proposal by a Gal will win a free mobile accessory and the title of FoneArena Valentine Babe 2009

( we are not telling whats the prize  .. keep guessing )


No Spamming

No Vulgarity

Multiple Comments dont increase your chances ..

Varun Krish: Varun Krish is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast and has been blogging about mobile phones since 2005. His current phones include the Apple iPhone 13 Pro and Google Pixel 6. You can follow him on Twitter @varunkrish and on Google+ You can also mail Varun Krish
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