Google Search for mobile gets detailed product cards, buying guides and shopping tools

Google Search Shopping

Google just in time for the holiday season has added a bunch of shopping tools for the mobile search for a better shopping experience. These tools include detailed product cards, buying guides, product comparisons, and more. This update brings more enhanced experience for users shopping during Black Friday and other sales.

Google comparison tool was initially rolled out earlier this month was able to compare specs of two devices, can now compare prices, reviews, and specs between two products and will also alert if there is a “newer model available.” With the new ‘quick view’ button in the Google Shopping ad, you can preview details with a bigger image, product description, reviews, and seller rating and see its on sale for some discount.

If you are totally not satisfied with the product, you can further scroll down to view more related products underneath. Knowledge panels add a description of the product with links to the manufacturer’s website, various carousels of product photos, “Editorial reviews,” and videos. If this still is not helping you, Google Assistant comes in for the rescue where you can purchase needed items nearby just by saying Ok Google, where can I buy…”,  Command. You can also get it delivered to your doorstep by saying “Ok Google, buy….”

Google is certainly helping users with a smooth and much-refined shopping experience with the new tools and additions.
